Be a privacy hero to your users

Amidst evolving privacy regulations, mobile publishers face challenges in maintaining user trust, with the language used in consent dialogues potentially undermining their credibility. Artifact advocates for proactive steps to empower users and regain control of data practices, reshaping the narrative towards privacy-first gaming experiences.

The impact of ATT/IDFA depreciation, and other privacy regulations, on mobile publishers’ ad monetization revenue and user acquisition efforts is well known by now.

What is less appreciated is the impact on users’ perception of how publishers deal with their data. Talking to one of these publishers today, they mentioned how the language in the ATT dialog box makes the publisher sound like villains doing all sorts of bad things with users' data. Priming the message with a less caustic dialog before the ATT dialog appears does help a bit, but users still end up thinking publishers cannot be trusted with data. At Artifact, we believe that publishers should be more than just a passive participant where Apple is defining the user expectation around data. They should get ahead of the curve by owning the conversation with the users regarding their data, by placing users at the center of the experience, and by giving users full agency and control over if, when, where, and how their data is used. It is amazing to see forward-thinking game publishers break away from the herd and explore how they can redefine the future of data in partnership with their users.

We saw a similar theme with some of the publishers recently at Pocket Gamer Connects too.

Take the narrative away from Apple and own your data destiny.

Learn more on how you as a game publisher can power the privacy conversation with our solution.

More about our approach here